Mean Girls in the Workplace

How To Carry Yourself
With the Mean Girl at Work!
Us women can have the closest bonds outside of our careers. However, in the office, some women aren’t always the biggest supporters of each other. Coming across a woman like that at work can be difficult on top of the daily work responsibilities and pressure you take on.
Understanding why some women just can’t support other women can be tough. What we can answer is how to handle their behavior that can help ease up your mind at work.

Before we get into dealing with the mean girl. Let's break down what triggers their behavior & alerting signs you have a mean girl on your hands.
What triggers them:
Jealousy - envious of your accomplishments
Insecurities- it's them babe, not you!
Threatened - they fear you'll outshine them
Alerting signs of a mean girl on your hands:
They criticize you in front of others.
Cold behind closed doors, friendly in front of others
Spread rumors or lies about your work ethic or personal life.
Use direct insults
Exclude you from important meetings, lunch or gatherings
Tries to control projects/situations
Takes credit for your work
Here are a few pointers on how to handle 'The Mean Girl' like a boss!
Don't gossip...don't do it girl!
Say something supportive back, yes you heard that right
Find your pack & stick with them
Solve the problem professionally
Find common interests to bond and bridge the gap between you
Don't take it personally & counterattack
Be the bigger person & ignore it!
If it's getting out of hand, speak to your supervisor
From a team of mostly women, The VIBLOK® Gals have a few pointers on creating a healthy female teamwork ethic.

Cheer on each others accomplishments!
Let your fellow females ideas be heard in the workplace
Take lunch breaks together and bond over common interests
Support your fellow females to just go for it!
Mentor each other in areas where the other lacks and other has knowledge
Direct but respectful feedback
Take time to do mental health checks, even if it's for a personal issue.
Written By: Jessica Malinetescu
VIBLOK® Creative Team