How to Dry Shave (No Cuts Included)

This article is for everyone who has found themselves in a last-minute situation with unwanted hair in their legs and no time to hop in the shower. And to be honest, who hasn’t? And when this moment comes, we know we will have to commit the biggest sin of the hair removal world – dry shaving.
But no worries, dry shave can be done safely, if done properly. Experts agree that while not ideal, dry shaving can be safe as long as it’s not done frequently, just once-in-a-blue-moon. Because there are no benefits to it besides the convenience factor. Therefore, the technique would be key in dry shaving in order to not harm your skin.
What are the Risks of Dry Shaving?
In general, there are a lot of potential risks for dry shaving. But the chances of these risks will happen, increases when you decide to use a dull razor a no lubrication. Risks, such as:
- Cuts – the lack of proper lubrication and absence of water make cuts more likely to happen. And you have to be careful that these cuts do not get infected.
- Irritation and razor burn – without the proper prep work, it can cause abrasions and irritation.
- Folliculitis or ingrown hairs – which happen when a follicle gets infected with a bacteria or fungus, can cause inflammation.
- Dry, scaly, flakey, skin – Usually, shaving dries skin out. Therefore, it’s important to include a very moisturizing cream.
- Uneven results and no smooth skin - since we are not prepping the skin for the razor, this won’t glide easily in the skin, leaving patches of hair. Dry shaving should be your last resort, if you can wait for a proper shave later that’d be better.
How to *PROPERLY* dry shave?
First of all, if you have this az up your sleeve, use it: an electric shaver. This is the safest way to dry shave. But if you don’t have one… here are the best tips to dry shave with a regular blade razor.
Trim your body hair if it’s longer than an inch, this reduces the risk of getting the razor stuck which will harm your skin or give you uneven results. Trim everything you can.
Then, use a sharp razor, with 2-3 blades. The fewer blades it has, the less harm you can do to your skin. You don’t have to get all fancy, disposable razors work fine, as long as they are new and disposed of after use.
Next, lubricate your skin with your preferred products: shaving cream, gel, or oil. Our Shaving Foam was actually made with dry shaving in mind. Our formula is extremely moisturizing and has the perfect ratio of water to foam, making you feel like you are shaving in the shower. It has five emollient ingredients, including watermelon extract, which leaves your skin feeling fresh and smelling good. We highly recommend it!
Once you have the right tools and have prepped the skin, try holding the skin taught with one hand and shaving in the direction of hair growth. Do long sweeping strokes and use a light touch.
Our Advice
We recommend dry shaving areas where your skin is not very sensitive, otherwise, you can cause more harm than good. For example, most people shave their legs because it’s easier and less risky. But don’t dry shave areas that are already irritated or bumpy.
In conclusion, you can lower the possibility of getting cuts or irritated if you follow these tips. But we still don’t recommend dry shave. If you can wait to hop in the shower and give yourself a real proper shave, you should. Don’t feel pressure to remove your body hair. But as long as you do, we support it!
Written by VIBLOK® Creative Team