Grooming from Home: Let's Go Back to the Basics

In our last blog, “The Quarantine Wave: Sexy Women Shouldn’t have to Shave,” we addressed the dangers of certain hair removal methods. However, our mission of promoting self-care means never having to compromise your happiness and self-esteem either. With this in mind, we know many of you may have obligations that require you to stay groomed. Even if it is Quarantine time, and even if those obligations are just ones you created for yourself to feel sexier.
All dangers can be handled with awareness and the right information. Our goal help you choose the best way to achieve this.
What is the best way to figure out what options are best fitted for you? Know your body, and know the risks, rewards, pros and cons of each hair removal method. The more informed you become, the better. With the best intentions for you in mind, Viblok® has created a list of at-home grooming techniques to keep the genital area properly and safely groomed during quarantine time.
Here are 5 ways to MINDFULLY keep yourself groomed during Quarantine:

Shaving is probably the most common form used for at-home hair removal of the pubic area, more than likely because it’s also the easiest. But as we mentioned in our previous article, there can be many cons to shaving that go further beyond what you’d imagine. Shaving removes the outer barrier of your skin’s layer’s that protects it from irritation and infections. However, so long as you take caution while shaving, the cons can be avoided.
In the BYRDIE article “How to Shave Your Bikini Line Without Hating Your Life: A Guide,” it states that longer pubic hairs should always be trimmed before shaving, and whether your hair is long or short, it is essential to keep the pubic area moisturized always. Luckily for you, our Viblok defense cream will always be there to aid you in the process.
Experts also suggest never using anything cheap when it comes to such a sensitive region of the body. Of course, this is much easier said than done, especially in times of economic crisis like the one we are currently undergoing. But there is always a solution. Ours is to skip the trip to CVS for the $12 “quality goes on smooth razor” that will probably just rust in weeks to come. Instead, we recommend signing up for one of the MANY shave clubs that offer quality product for cheaper monthly subscriptions. Subscriptions such as the Billie Razor have proven to give women more “bang for their buck” than your typical drugstore razor.
The Billie Razor comes with this razor and an additional razor starter pack for first month subscription, subscriptions include razor refills for the same 9$ monthly price.
Once you’ve chosen your perfect razor or razor subscription, it is crucial that you also choose the right shaving cream. We won’t be recommending specific brands, because when it comes down to core importance, the most vital thing you need to keep in mind is the type of skin you have. This includes bad reactions you may have had to certain shaving creams in the past, and what shaving creams have worked best for you. Be cautious of any ingredients that may be harsh in chemical substance, such as rubbing alcohol, and remember that the more “free” (of parabens, fragrances, artificial color, etc.) the better. Once you’ve rinsed off from shaving and stepped out of the shower, apply your Viblok lotion and moisturize to keep your skin protected.

That outer protective barrier on your skin can also easily be removed during waxing, therefore it definitely still poses many of the same threats for your skin as shaving does. However, the absence of a razor blade will aid in avoiding the nicks and cuts that can come from shaving. Unlike shaving, waxing removes the entire hair follicle from the roots up, which yields longer lasting results. The downside to this is the intense exfoliation of the skin, that can make one with sensitive skin very susceptible to redness and irritation.
While shaving products are typically more accessible than at home waxing products, there are still a wide variety of products on the market for self-administered waxing. We don’t necessarily want to encourage or discourage trying this without a professional. However, we do STRONGLY advise those of you who believe you are competent enough to do it on your own to follow these tips in preparation.
Before waxing one’s pubic hair, you must check that the hair is at least a quarter inch long. If you want to confirm you have your measurements right, compare the hair to the size of a rice kernel. If they are equal in length, your hair is ready to be waxed!
WebMD urges at-home waxers to always do a test waxing before applying wax to the genital area, and to never double dip applicators in the wax, while this can lead to infections. Once you have covered all these areas, apply the wax in the direction that your hair grows. When removing, pull wax off in the opposite direction from which you applied. For the best finishing results, apply a toner after waxing is finished with calming components such chamomile, then, as always, apply your Viblok cream to moisturize and keep things protected!
Like many of the products we recommend for you, the best wax brands will also be the ones that are “free” of all the unnatural characteristics we tend to stay away from, and of course, hypoallergenic. For this method in particular, we suggest trying the Completely Bare Wax Kit.
The Completely Bare kit is a strip less and hypoallergenic waxing kit for sensitive skin that can be found at Walmart for a very affordable price of $14.50.
3. Laser Hair Removal
The growing trend of at home laser hair removal is alive and well in modern day. The pros of laser hair removal don’t change when it comes to doing it at home. However, the lack of a professional to guide you on which product is best for your skin and its pigment can be a con if you don’t particularly enjoy researching. Laser hair removal is best known for yielding the most superior long term hair removal results, which is probably it’s biggest pro. It’s biggest con? You’re gonna be paying a pretty penny for it.

Laser hair removal can cost thousands of dollars when performed in office. Depending on your hair growth patterns, the amount of procedures that need to be taken before the hair is completely removed can vary greatly, and consequentially become much more expensive than you originally expected.
If you were determined to follow through with the laser hair removal process until you had rid your body of unwanted hair once and for all, this pandemic has probably put a frustrating downer on your long term plan.
Fortunately for you, there are multiple at home laser hair removal products on the market right now. The downside- most experts do not suggest using these products on sensitive skin areas, with specific mentions of refraining from use on pubic area region. For those of you who are interested in taking the laser hair removal to continue grooming other parts of the body, we have attached a link to an article by the Cosmopolitan magazine that features an array of the top-rated at home hair removal products from 2020.
Each product has its own characteristics when it comes to versatility in skin pigments, skin sensitivity, size and more. If taking this route, we INSIST that you to get to know all of the products very well before you decide which one will work best for you. Click
4.Hair Removal Creams
The pros of using cream for hair removal are pretty clear, they are less painful, cheaper and tend to have longer lasting results than shaving (however this is hardly the case when you compare it to waxing or laser treatment.) However, there are cons when it comes to these creams. For example, if you don’t choose the right one for your skin or apply cautiously it can cause serious irritation. Each hair removal product has its own individual pros and cons that you must pay attention to before deciding whether or not to move forward.

While Nair and Veet are the same type of product, there are some differences between the two that must be acknowledged if you are considering the removal cream route. When comparing the two products, the application process is essentially the same, however, Veet comes with an applicator and must be left on the skin for a longer period of time, because it is a much gentler formula with less harsh chemicals. We recommend Veet for those with sensitive skin who are feeling apprehensive towards the idea of trying this method. While Nair is very effective and shows results faster, it also uses harsher chemicals that can have damaging side effects for people with sensitive skin.
If ready to apply the hair removal cream, test out a smaller dollop on your skin to see if there are any potential negative reactions. If there aren’t, you are free to apply the cream to your pubic area region. However, it is absolutely vital you ENSURE it does not touch your actual genitals in the process. This kind of mistake could be very consequential. Once you have carefully washed off your cream as directed, be sure moisturize with the area with your Viblok lotion exactly 24 hours after your initial application of the cream.
5. Epilators
For those of you who aren’t familiar with epilators, they are electrical hair removal devices designed to remove unwanted hair straight from its roots. Epilators are designed to pluck hairs from the body as you move them along different parts, so as you can imagine, they can be painful. If you have a low pain tolerance, this aspect may be a huge con if you are thinking of trying out an epilator.
However, the upside to using epilators is longer lasting results than almost every other at home hair removal method besides laser. Many reviews have shown that after using epilators, consumers found that their hair not only grew back slower, but softer and finer as well. Epilators are also more efficient in removing shorter hairs, whereas methods like waxing require hair to be at a particular length to be effective. Besides the pain you may experience while using them, there aren’t many other cons or risks to using these devices. The one most commonly mentioned is that they can cause ingrown or infected hairs. However, this can be easily avoided so long as you follow the directions: go slowly, and move the epilator with the direction of your hair growth, never against it.
While epilators aren’t as costly as laser hair removal devices, they are the second most expensive option for at home hair removal. However, you are paying for quality and longer lasting results. The typical cost of at epilators ranges from $80-150 USD. There are a variety of different types of epilators, each designed to groom different parts of the body. If you plan on purchasing an epilator, make sure that you triple check that the device you are getting is specialized for the part of the body you wish to groom. Follow the directions as shown with your product of choice, and NEVER forget to apply your Viblok lotion after use.
6. Au Natural Remedies
As always, we saved the best, (or our personal favorite) for last, natural at home remedies! Did you have any idea just how easy it is to create your very own hair removal methods with the items laying around kitchen? And, that there were MULTIPLE different kinds?! What better way to kick the quarantine boredom than giving some of them a try?

These at home recipes range from honey waxes, to papaya creams, to eggs masks, to Pumice stone treatments. These are literally ingredients that you feel comfortable enough with to ingest inside your body, so the peace of mind you’ll have when applying them to your skin will be there beyond any shadow of doubt.
These natural remedies are surely the safest and most affordable choice of all the hair removal methods, (so long as you don’t have a papaya or egg allergy.) Especially during the circumstances of quarantine, we couldn’t imagine a bigger pro than the opportunity to proactively use you’re at home time for fun and creative self-care. To find recipes for these methods, just type in “natural at home hair removal methods” into the search engine of your choose, and BOOM. The options are endless.
The only cons with these natural remedies consist of difficulties with being able to determine how effective they are, and a longer waiting time to see results. However, with the presence of the current global pandemic constricting us to our houses for a current TBD period, its looking like we’re probably gonna have plenty of time to find out.
In Conclusion
On behalf of our team over here at Viblok® we want to thank you all for doing your part in staying home to prevent the further spread of COVID-19 over our beautiful world. We want to remind you that with the more time that passes, the closer things will get to falling back into place. Until then, remain strong, and keep your skin strong with our Viblok® Defense Lotion. Keep on doing your part, and remember, it’s all the in art.
Author: Clare Kehoe